Leaves are falling … so get mowing!

This is the time of year when “fall” really earns its seasonal name.

Trees are rapidly shedding their former greenery. Leaves cascade down at a steady clip. The deciduous refuse can cover a yard in short order.

So, what to do with all those leaves?

Fall leaf cleanup in Brookfield, New Berlin, Elm Grove, WI

If you’re an avid gardener, composting is an invaluable choice. This natural process breaks down organic plant matter of all types –grass clippings, leaves, vegetable and fruit scraps – into rich fertilizer. If you’d like to compost, but haven’t taken the leap, the window of opportunity is short. Get your pile (or bin) going before cold temperatures make it too difficult to get started.

As beneficial as composting is, it’s not a practical means for many homeowners in Brookfield, Elm Grove and New Berlin, WI. Simply put, their yards are often too big. The leaf volume is too great.

The practical tool to manage fall leaves is one of summer: the lawn mower. Yes, just when you thought this machine was put away for the year, another form of yard work beckons. Pull it out, fill the gas, and fire it up.

Mulching leaves with a lawn mower is fast, efficient and (believe it or not) good for grass. The finely-ground leaves are natural fertilizer. Left on your lawn, the material will disappear.

Here’s the trick: If you can see grass beneath the shredded material, nature will do the rest. Make an extra pass or two with the lawnmower, if needed.

Fall leaves cleanup in Brookfield, Elm Grove WI

Ground-up leaves can also be spread on planting beds. Before doing so, however, rake out whole leaves that have fallen into the beds. Piled-up leaves can grow mold when they get wet. Fungus adds unwelcome stress for plants already hunkering down for the cold season ahead.

No time to rake, compost or mow your leaves? GMS is here to help. Just contact us, and we’ll clean up your yard and planting beds.

Many trees are already sporting bare branches. The remaining stragglers will soon give up their leaves. Fall is closing fast. Take the lawnmower for a final spin or two and, while you’re at it, reminisce about the two most recent seasons that welcomed us with warmth and color.

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Client Testimonial: A three-ton dump truck full of donations arrived at the New Berlin Food Pantry Wednesday morning. Grounds Maintenance Services organized the event, which brought together 11 local businesses to help those in need.  Read full testimonial