Merry Christmas to all our Customers, Friends and Partners!

Things change, and they stay the same.

At Christmas time last year, we were socked in with snow, chilled to the bone, and feeling a sense of foreboding about the winter ahead.

This year, the grass is green, fed by early snow that melted and never came back. Santa’s sleigh could be headed for rough takeoffs and landings in Brookfield, WI.

Weather conditions aside, the constant is the sense of joy, thankfulness and generosity that Christmas brings. We at GMS just experienced it yet again by participating in the second donation of The C.A.R.I.N.G. Group Elmbrook, which gave more than $600 to two local schools.

Above all, we wish you and your families a merry, safe and joyous Christmas. Words cannot express the gratitude we have for all the customers, partners and friends who keep us in business, and allow us to do what we love.

Merry Christmas in Brookfield, WI

From the wonderment in a child’s eyes, to the growing sense of appreciation one gains in adulthood, the holidays are a time to relax and reflect. As we count the many blessings for which we are thankful, know that your trust, friendship and support are deeply appreciated.

Oh, and just in case it does snow on Christmas eve or day – yes, you can be sure we’ll plow your driveway!

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Client Testimonial: Thank you so much for your generous contribution to the Elmbrook Education Foundation's 2013 Spring Gala. With your support, we are happy to report that we had an extremely successful event and achieved a record year for total funds raised.  Read full testimonial